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Soil sensors from SoilMania help Herenboeren grow healthy crops

Bodemsensoren van SoilMania helpen Herenboeren gezonde gewassen te telen


Stichting Herenboeren Nederland stands for producing sustainable food together. Each Herenboerderij consists of a group of about 200 households who invest in their own farm. They lease land with an area of about 20 acres and employ a farmer who produces the food the members want to harvest.

Thus, Herenboeren gives its members access to honest, traceable, safe and sustainably produced food. However, Herenboeren De Groote Heide in Soerendonk, a location in De Kempen, faced an additional challenge due to elevated cadmium concentrations in the soil. Measurements showed that some crops were difficult to grow because some were just slightly above the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL).

SoilMania placed soil sensors to continuously monitor cadmium availability and uptake and provided advice on how to reduce cadmium uptake by crops.

Bodemsensoren van SoilMania helpen Herenboeren gezonde gewassen te telen
Bodemsensoren van SoilMania helpen Herenboeren gezonde gewassen te telen

The problem

In the region between Budel and Weert, northern Limburg, much soil appears to be contaminated with cadmium due to years of emissions from the heavy metal industry present since the late 19th century. Herenboeren De Groote Heide in Cranendonck operates in this area. Analyses of vegetables showed that some crops contained more cadmium than allowed.

Alarmed by this, members began looking for experts who could map the level of cadmium in the soil and uptake by crops and offer advice on how to reduce it. Marjon Wijdeven of Vital Food Management and Gino Smeulders of SoilMania offered help.

Marjon Wijdeven of Vital Food Management

Marjon Wijdeven is quality manager at Vital Food Management. She helps and guides companies with quality questions, especially start-up production companies. Questions such as "How can I ensure quality?" and "What do I need to pay attention to in my production?" are central. Where necessary, Marjon collaborates with knowledge partners to achieve the best results for her customers.

"Herenboeren De Groote Heide contacted me because of cadmium in their soil. This heavy metal was being absorbed by their crops, causing the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of some crops, such as celeriac and lettuce, to be too high. I looked for an expert in soil testing and found Gino Smeulders of SoilMania," says Marjon."

The result

Thanks to SoilMania's soil sensors and Gino's expert advice, Herenboeren now have an effective tool and specific knowledge to ensure that their crops absorb as little cadmium as possible from the soil and stay within the MRL values. This gives Herenboeren members confidence in producing healthy crops.

"When the pH is right, we know that cadmium is absorbed much less by the crops, which improves food quality and safety. Thanks to SoilMania's soil sensors, Herenboeren can now actively manage for optimal pH and ensure that crops stay within the desired MRL values. Despite the cadmium in the soil, SoilMania's soil sensors give members renewed confidence in growing healthy crops. With crop analysis at harvest, we make sure we are sure of quality."

Soil sensors measure more than just pH levels

"In the future, we want to use the soil sensors more broadly, for example for measurements of redox potential, oxygen and CEC," says Marjon. "This is because the soil sensors provide insight into more than just pH values. With Soil Insight 2.0 analyses, you gain insight into the vitality and fertility of the soil. Six soil conditions can be highlighted: soil environment, soil life, toxic elements, plant available nutrients, cycle and nutrient supply."

"We share the knowledge we gain with other Herenboeren. After all, heavy metals are not only found in the North Limburg soil, but in many more places," Marjon knows. "By sharing our experiences with SoilMania's soil sensors with others who are working on soil restoration and development, they too can better manage healthy crops and safe cultivation.

In my opinion, soil sensors can also be very valuable in developing regenerative agriculture. It is interesting to explore how we can restore soil life. The measurements, analyses and reports from the soil sensors can help us do that and hopefully lead us to the next step in the right direction in terms of regenerative agriculture."

Learn more about our soil sensors

Specialists involved

Willy soil mania Willy Détiger
Marcel Steegh Marcel Steegh

"Thanks to SoilMania's soil sensors, we can now actively manage for optimal pH and ensure that our crops stay within the desired MRL values."

Bodemsensoren van SoilMania helpen Herenboeren gezonde gewassen te telen Marjon Wijdeven Owner VITAL FOODMANAGEMENT